Don’t miss this exclusive Next Level Society Q&A! This episode is dedicated to Next Level Society member’s questions. Don’t miss this open topic Q&A. Chris & Laci also talk about expanding their team. Did they go with a virtual assistant? Find out if they answer your question or maybe you’ll hear an answer to a question you’ve had but didn’t know how to ask. Will your question will get its very own show?
- Maiden voyage of the ZoomH6.
- Laci calls their new technology sexy?
- Chris mentions a new team member.
- Laci talks about why they chose not to go with a virtual assistant and
- Where they did find this new team member.
- How long will Chris and Laci do the podcast?
- Where do they see themselves going with NLS?
- What lessons have they learned?
- Will they stay in Vegas?
- Best and worse business transactions they’ve ever made.
- Dead or alive who’s their favorite entrepreneur.
- Do you wish you were taller?
- What are your concerns as NLS grows?
- What are Chris & Laci’s fears?
- Laci talks about how they keep each other accountable and find balance.
- What are chris & Laci’s favorite books?
- What question is asked that Laci wants to give its own show?
- What do you do to figure out what to do next?